This manual is intended to provide clear and accessible information on the effective management of road safety infrastructure. Given the very wide audience, different parts of this manual will be of greater use and interest to different readers.
Each chapter starts with a summary of key messages. This provides useful background for those concerned with strategic issues, as well as those with a more practical focus. Practical examples are also provided to illustrate the concepts discussed.
In Parts 2 and 3, there is also summary information on how to get started, what can (and should) be done to make progress; and what the best performers should be aiming towards (consolidating activity).
There are also practical case studies throughout each chapter to illustrate key points. Although these case studies provide examples from countries at all levels of development, there is a particular focus on LMICs, and how road safety professionals working in such environments are addressing safety issues. As an extra aid to those working in LMICs, most chapters include a brief description at the end of the introduction section on the initial steps that should be undertaken to make a start.
Each chapter provides enough information for road safety practitioners to implement safe outcomes, referring to easily accessible documents or websites for further information where this is required.
The manual has been written so that users can start in any part or at any chapter. However, to get an overall picture it is recommended that readers at least read the key messages for other chapters. Each chapter can be read in a stand-alone manner, and there are considerable cross-linkages between chapters. In some cases this means that text has been repeated, although this repetition has been kept to a minimum.
The manual is available on the internet, and sections can be downloaded via pdf. The web version provides direct linkages to other resources through hyperlinks.
This manual is a ‘living’ document, and it is intended that it will be continually updated as new methods evolve and information is provided. PIARC would appreciate the feedback of users of this manual to help improve the content. If you have any suggestions for improvements to this manual, please contact us.
Road crashes account for an estimated 1.19 million deaths and up to 50 million injuries worldwide each year with over 90% of the deaths occurring in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) (The World Health Group - The High Toll of Traffic Injuries: Unacceptable and Preventable).
Recognition of this problem has led to the UN Second Decade of Action in Road Safety (2021–2030) which has the ambitious goal of stabilizing and then reducing the forecast levels of global fatalities. This Road Safety Manual is a key contribution to the UN Decade of Action by the World Road Association.
One of the major global requirements is to improve road safety performance through capacity building across the road safety management system. A range of guides to road safety interventions and management has been produced in recent years but further guidance on specific elements is needed, particularly in the areas of the safe planning, design, operation and use of the road network. Such a task requires understanding and consideration of the road safety management needs of low, middle and high-income countries as well as accurate, comprehensive and easily accessible technical information.
In addition, international organisations identify the Safe System as a best practice approach to managing road safety for both the long-term and the interim, and promote its take-up by all countries. The Safe System approach builds on the best of previous approaches and promotes innovation and the adoption of technologies that are based on well-established safety principles.
The next steps in road safety present challenges for road safety managers and professionals all over the world. This manual sets out ways in which road safety policy makers and practitioners in low, middle and high-income countries can establish, strengthen and consolidate their efforts to address the challenges before them.
The manual is designed to be a comprehensive, state-of-the-art international reference document and a ‘living’ tool that can assist all countries in fulfilling key objectives. The focus is on guiding the management of the safe planning, design, operation and use of the road network in low, middle and high-income countries. The manual highlights effective management and policy frameworks, technical references and provides overall guidance on the management of interventions to achieve results.
The Road Safety Manual (RSM) is a product of the World Road Association (PIARC) which was published in 2003 to align it with Decade of Action objectives and the Safe System approach to managing safety. It brings together PIARC’s own guidance and that produced by other international organisations. This version (2019) is based on the first publication in 2003 and the update in 2015. The goal of the 2019 update is not to rewrite the manual, but to add new information, best practice and new case studies.
Organisation and scope of the manual
The manual is organized into the following three Parts.
This part provides a strategic global perspective of the scope of the road safety problem and key developments influencing current approaches to managing for results which underpin this guidance:
This part provides guidance on road safety management. It presents the foundation for delivering targeted improvements using results-focused strategies, programmes and projects:
This part provides detailed guidance for road planners, policy makers, engineers and other practitioners on the management of intervention for the safe planning, design, operation and use of the road network:
The different parts of the manual are shown in the figure below:
This Road Safety Manual was updated by the Technical Committee C.1 National Road Safety Policies & Programs (2016-2019), Working Group 1 with Working Group 2 support.
The contributors to the Road Safety Manual update are presented below in alphabetical order:
The primary authors and editors of the Road Safety Manual 2023 update are:
Committee C.3.1 Road Safety (2020-2023) chairman and secretariat are:
The case studies were provided by participants that are not necessarily part of the PIARC organization. Their names are mentioned at the end of each case study, typically being the “Contact names”. This catalogue could not be realized without their contribution and the authors of this report acknowledge their valuable participation.