The Road Safety Management System provided information on the broader management of road safety, while Road Safety Targets, Investment Strategies Plans and Projects highlighted the need for effective road safety targets, policies and plans at the national and jurisdictional level. This chapter moves the focus to the importance of policies, standards, guidelines and tools relating to road safety infrastructure. The planning, design, operation and use of the road network will only produce effective results when interventions (including safe infrastructure programmes and projects) are implemented as part of an effective management system. An evidence-based approach is required that links institutional management functions to interventions, which in turn produce desired results. Details of this road safety management process are provided in The Road Safety Management System.
Information is provided on the development of policies, standards and guidelines, as well as tools to assist in delivering safe infrastructure. The introduction provides general principles of infrastructure safety management, drawing on material presented in earlier chapters (see especially The Road Safety Management System and Road Safety Targets, Investment Strategies Plans and Projects). It also sets a framework for later chapters by providing the overall approach to the assessment and treatment of road infrastructure for effective road safety outcomes. This approach involves the assessment of risk (identifying high risk locations discussed in detail in Assessing Potential Risks And Identifying Issues), identifying the issues contributing to these crashes (also in Assessing Potential Risks And Identifying Issues) identifying and selecting appropriate solutions (Intervention Selection And Prioritisation), prioritising action (also in Intervention Selection And Prioritisation) and monitoring, analysis and evaluation (Monitoring, Analysis and Evaluation of Road Safety). This overall process is graphically represented in Figure 9.1:
Figure 9.1 The infrastructure risk assessment process
Start by assessing what infrastructure safety policies you have, and tools you already use, and assess whether these are the best for your situation. The information in this chapter will help identify required policies.
Train key staff to understand infrastructure safety management, and especially the principles provided under the Safe System approach (The Safe System Approach).
Collect and analyse crash data, as well as other intermediate data, starting with high risk routes (see Effective Management And Use Of Safety Data.
Start to develop tools to assess risks, initially through corridor and area demonstration projects utilising existing crash data as well as analysis of road deficiencies (see Management Tools).
Knowledge on effective interventions is required. Information on this issue is available in this manual (Intervention Selection And Prioritisation).
Staff need to be trained in the use of road safety infrastructure management tools.
In general, it is believed that driver error contributes to a large proportion of road crashes, with some studies suggesting that human error has played a role in over 90% of crashes (e.g. Sabey, 1980; Treat, 1980). Although the role of human error in road crashes is substantial, such figures downplay the significant role that infrastructure can have in achieving Safe System outcomes (also see the discussion on this issue in The Safe System Approach).
When a crash occurs, road infrastructure has the most significant influence on the severity outcome of a crash. Improvements to infrastructure can contribute substantially to reductions in death and serious injury.
Findings from Sweden identified that road-based factors were most strongly linked to a fatal crash outcome. Stigson et al. (2008) reviewed fatal crashes based on in-depth crash investigation, with crashes categorised based on factors that contributed to the crash outcome (as opposed to crash causation). The study identified that there were strong interactions between the three system components (vehicles, road infrastructure and road user issues), but that road-based factors were most strongly linked to a fatal crash outcome.
Further evidence of the role infrastructure plays in fatal and serious injury crash outcomes can be found from research that investigates the benefits of infrastructure safety treatments. Various studies have identified that well-designed infrastructure (such as roundabouts and protective barrier systems) can reduce fatal and serious injury crash outcomes by up to 80%. This reduction can occur regardless of whether crashes were the result of human error (also see Design for Road User Characteristics and Compliance). For further information on effective treatments, see Intervention Selection And Prioritisation.
There is a strong economic argument for the provision of safe infrastructure. Examples exist from many countries that demonstrate the benefits from targeted road safety improvements. OECD (2008) identified that such targeted improvements can deliver up to 60 times the benefit compared to the cost (i.e. for every $1 spent, benefits of up to $60 in terms of crash cost savings can be achieved). As identified by the UNRSC (2010), few other infrastructure investments produce the economic benefits of infrastructure targeted at improving road safety. Take for instance the installation of cable median barrier to reduce cross median crashes as this has become common practice in some nations (for instance Sweden and the United States). Even more substantial investment programmes are able to return substantial safety benefits when compared to their costs. An analysis undertaken by iRAP ( on improvements to road infrastructure on the worst 10% of roads (i.e. those roads with greatest number of death and serious injury) in each country identified substantial potential gains when comparing the costs with the benefits. The average over all countries was a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 8:1 (i.e. $8 worth of benefits for each $1 invested). This ranges from a BCR of 5:1 in high-income countries, to 19:1 in upper middle income countries over a 20 year period.
The European Commission, under the Horizons 2020, developed the SafetyCube project as an innovative road safety Decision Support System (DSS). The intent of this effort was to allow policy-makers and stakeholder the ability to select and implement the most appropriate strategies, measures and cost effective approaches to reduce casualties of all user types and all severities in Europe and worldwide (see: SafetyCube). The United States also has the Crash Modification Clearinghouse the includes over 7000 (2019) interventions and the potential crash reduction for each countermeasure (See: Crash Modification Clearinghouse). Both of these tools provide significant information and resources on the use of road infrastructure to reduce crash potential.
A solid understanding of key infrastructure principles is required by road agencies and others responsible for delivering road safety. Some of the key elements of relevance to the development of infrastructure policy, standards, guidelines and tools include:
Guidance on the risk assessment process has been developed across many different industries and activities, including road safety. The process (briefly introduced in Figure 1) involves the identification of high risk locations; analysing data to determine the cause of this risk; identifying evidence-based solutions that are effective in addressing the risk; implementing these solutions; and then monitoring and evaluating the outcome. Each of these stages is explained in detail in Assessing Potential Risks And Identifying Issues to Monitoring, Analysis and Evaluation of Road Safety.
In broad risk assessment terms, the chance of sustaining death or serious injury can be decreased by reducing the:
With an understanding of these factors, crashes can be influenced in a number of ways through changes in the road environment. As examples, improvement in safety can be gained from:
Engineering-based treatments generally work by influencing one or more of these factors. Examples of such treatments and their effectiveness can be found in Project-level and Network-level Approaches.
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Standards, guidelines and tools are the mechanisms that support the consistent interpretation and delivery of policies. Policies set the framework for road safety activity, and without these, delivery of road safety is reactive and lacks structure. The policies will often set the direction at a high level and will also contain direction on how to achieve standards using a predetermined set of criteria. Guidance on strategy and policy development can be found in Road Safety Targets, Investment Strategies Plans and Projects and in Development of Policies, Standards and Guidelines in Policies, Standards and Guidelines. These Policies, standards and guidelines are often slow to change, either because of lack of research, unwillingness to change current practice or lack of knowledge related to the given system.
Changing established practice is often difficult, and careful management of this process is required. Strong leadership is needed to facilitate policy shift, and this needs to happen in parallel with an update of corresponding policies, standards and guidelines. Change requires understanding and awareness, the desire to create change, the knowledge to implement the change, and the ability to do so within the environment or system an individual works within.
Once policies are set, there is need for linkage to standards guidelines and how the associated criteria for meeting the standards can be achieved. Standards (as well as road rules and regulations) dictate those things that must be done to achieve a predetermined level of quality or attainment. In many countries standards also have a legal basis that are adopted in design and operational manuals. Criteria are the specifications for achievement of the standards and are typically detailed as policy. Guidelines provide direction on how things should be done but are not necessarily requirements. In contrast to established policy and standards, there is scope to deviate from the advice provided in guidelines, but this must be justified and assessed for the impact on safety outcomes. When deviating from policies and standards documentation outlining the reasoning is often used. Policies and standards are typically based on many years of experience and outcomes from research and understanding. Guidelines, because they are not requirements may contain reasoning for how the standards and policies were developed, how to apply them in different circumstances, and might provide ranges of values to consider based on the conditions encountered.
It is important to note that compliance with policy, standards and guidelines does not mean that safety will be maximised, nor minimised when they are not achieved. There are many examples where new roads have been built to standard but have a less than desired safety outcome. Policy, standards and guidelines are often dated, and may not include adequate content based on Safe System principles. The manuals that contain the policies, standards and guidelines, generally offer the minimum acceptable values for design. Departing from the minimum requirements sometime occurs when the financial, environmental, of way, or social cost are high and the relative change in safety risk is low. These tradeoffs are often documented to discuss reasoning for not achieving the policy, standards or guidelines.
There is much to be gained by looking to other countries for guidance on setting new policies, standards and guidelines, and such an approach is important for benchmarking (also see Country Management System Framework in Management system Framework and Tools). However, often safety policies, standards and guidelines are directly copied from other countries without due consideration of local conditions, design for vulnerable road users, different vehicle types and road user compliance.
Also, in many circumstances, policies often provide fewer options for use in constrained environments. It is typical that several compromises need to be made in road design. When combined, these issues can lead to poor safety outcomes (also see the discussion in Global Level in Policies, Standards and Guidelines on minimum criteria, and the concept of extended design domain). Typically, an assessment of the likely road safety impact is required to ensure that safety objectives are met. It is for this reason that approaches such as road safety audit (see Road Safety Audit in Proactive Identification) are required, and that when undertaken, these are not just a check against standards and guidelines.
Knowledge of the safety implications of design decisions is constantly improving, and with this there is sometimes a need to update policies and procedures. This includes the need to update standards, guidelines and tools.
Box 9.1 indicates how a policy decision that was initially driven by economic reasons at the political level has resulted in safer road design principles on major roads in New Zealand.
New Zealand has recently implemented a policy to improve the safety standard on Roads of National Significance (RoNS). The initial motivation for this policy was as part of an economic stimulus package, and investment through this programme was focused on the movement of freight and people more efficiently and safely, particularly around the main population centres. Currently, there are seven RoNS, each of which are key state highway links. As part of the national safety strategy, each of the RoNS will need to attain at least a four-star safety rating under KiwiRAP (the New Zealand risk assessment programme; NZ Ministry of Transport, 2013). A review of design standards was undertaken to ensure that this safety rating is reached. Key design elements to change to ensure this safety outcome are: the use of centre-of-road wire rope barrier, and roadside barrier systems. These treatments are aimed at targeting run-off-road and head-on crashes, two of the key severe crash types on New Zealand roads.
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Delivery of road safety infrastructure does not occur in isolation, and it is important to consider broader safety, road management and societal issues when developing policies, standards and guidelines. Similarly, it is important to advocate for road safety outcomes when developing broader transport and related policies. The Belize case study provides a useful demonstration of linking infrastructure improvements to other safety improvements. Land use measures have a strong linkage to safety outcomes, an issue that is often overlooked in LMICs. Such measures define the type and intensity of the generated traffic, and the way it enters and exits the roadway. A detailed discussion on this issue can be found in Impacts of a Safe System Adoption on roles and Responsibilities of Authorities.
There are also links that can be made with broader policy agendas, as illustrated by the case study from the Netherlands.
As a further example, asset management involves maintaining and upgrading road infrastructure, and this typically has road safety implications. It is often the case that planning and funding for asset management and road safety outcomes occur in isolation, and without adequate linkages between the two and this can impact how a project is ultimately designed and constructed. Both activities are closely linked, with each directly influencing the other. Adequate knowledge of the safety implications of asset decisions is required when establishing policy and practice. Similarly, safety decisions can have a substantial impact on asset management (particularly costs for maintaining assets). For instance, the installation of unnecessary roadside crash barrier on flat slopes would increase the potential for crashes, increase maintenance and replacement costs, and not reduce the injury potential. When installed correctly the crash barrier systems can be used to shield other assets from impacts, close gaps in locations where injury potential is high and protect workers who may need to maintain the assets.
When considered in isolation, the two road management approaches are often thought to act in conflict. There may be a perception that increases in funding for road safety may mean less funding or increased expenditure for asset management. However, there is some clear evidence that the two can act in harmony to produce benefits that are greater than those that can be delivered when considered in isolation.
Specific examples from LMICs are scarce, but the example in Box 9.2 from Australia serves to illustrate the level of benefits that can be gained through a coordinated approach. Combining the safety benefits with those from asset improvements can often lead to better project viability. This issue is discussed further in Roles, Responsibilities, Policy Development and Programmes.
The Asset Management Branch of the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources in Tasmania has developed a sustainable maintenance plan which is aimed primarily at preserving road pavement assets, including extending the lives of existing roads through pavement reconstruction, strengthening and resurfacing. Where an existing road is below departmental standards, cross-section improvements are usually made during reconstruction. This includes increasing the carriageway width, shoulder width and shoulder type, with sealing an option on some roads. Other elements, e.g. embankments, side slopes and drainage improvements, will also be undertaken.
As part of the analysis that underpins the Department’s plan, a study demonstrated that where pavement reconstruction was accompanied by cross-section improvements, in general, total crashes were considerably reduced, with an estimated social cost saving of approximately AUD$36 million. The corresponding marginal benefit cost ratios (MBCR) improved from 5 to 9 when these additional safety and travel time benefits were included (i.e. society could gain $8 compared to $4 per additional $1 invested when the safety benefits were added). The significant increase in MBCR was because many of the benefits were not being counted, i.e. the asset managers did not account for the safety and travel time benefits of their programme, noting that 89% of the additional benefits were due to estimated crash reductions.
Whilst this is clearly a worthwhile achievement, the potential reduction in crashes for the whole network was identified as being up to five times greater if cross-section deficiencies were addressed independent of pavement reconstruction. Thus, maximising benefits requires consideration of total needs.
Roles, Responsibilities, Policy Development and Programmes provides direction on the development of policies for road safety outcomes. This includes the need to understand current road safety challenges and opportunities through the analysis of data; and the development of a road safety plan that includes appropriate strategies, priorities, measurable targets and potential interventions. The development of infrastructure policy follows the same process and should be considered as part of broader road safety policy development. Safety modifications occur on projects of all types, not just safety oriented projects. Consideration of how safety modifications will occur with projects outside of safety program is important.
GRSF (2009) provides advice for countries that are establishing road safety capacity (i.e. LMICs) in terms of their investment strategies (also see The Road Safety Management System), and this advice is useful for development of policies, standards and guidelines. The advice suggests that the initial focus for such countries should be targeted on high crash density demonstration corridors and urban areas. The value of this demonstration corridor approach has been discussed throughout this manual, including the case study from Belize.
GRSF (2009) also discussed the need to review and benchmark safety policies and interventions with other countries, and that this should lead to the commencement and implementation of reforms. This advice is equally relevant to road agencies attempting to implement new infrastructure policies. In order to focus attention to the highest priority areas, and to build capacity through doing, policies to address crashes at these locations can be addressed as a priority. Similarly, awareness of successful approaches adopted in other countries, and movement towards such approaches is a valuable method.
Little guidance exists on the mechanisms for transforming road infrastructure safety policy into relevant standards and guidelines although Beagle, et al (2015) provide an example approach. Rather, there are a number of examples that highlight what can be achieved. Many countries have developed their own standards and guidelines, and in some cases, these may be adopted for use in other countries (although as noted elsewhere, caution should be used where the context is different). Croft et al. (2010) provides some advice based on the development of national guidelines in Australia. Some of the key elements from this process were that these were produced:
There is a need to constantly review standards, policies and guidelines, and to improve these based on recent innovations. Updating these elements does not suggest that previous designs are unsafe, as updating is done to reduce crash potential based on new scientific evidence and knowledge. An evidence-based data driven approach is required to ensure that expected safety benefits from any changes are attained. Benchmarking of approaches used in countries that perform well in safety is a good step to helping identify possible innovations. Further analysis may be required to ensure that changes will have a positive safety benefit when applied in a different country. Demonstration projects to trial new innovations are useful to establish whether such changes are beneficial in a controlled environment. Once evaluated and shown as successful these can be applied more broadly, and recommended changes reflected in appropriate guidance documents.
There is no set template for the development of policies, standards and guidelines, and those countries that do have comprehensive coverage of these vary in content, often reflecting local conditions. For those who wish to develop or improve policies, standards and guidelines it is beneficial to benchmark against good performers and draw upon international and regional examples of good practice. The sections below outline examples at global, regional and country levels, and may serve as a starting point in this exercise. The case study from India is an example of how to drive policy changes in road safety.
There has been a significant shift in road safety policy in recent years in response to the Safe System approach. This issue, including the origin of the approach and its implications, are discussed in detail in The Safe System Approach. The Decade of Action for Road Safety, described in Key Developments in Road Safety, has also resulted in some significant policy shift. At the international level, the UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) has developed a Global Plan that includes policy guidance on safe roads and mobility (also see The UN Decade of action and global plan). The plan states that the purpose of this pillar is to:
The plan suggests that this can be achieved by six key activities, namely to:
Details on how each of these activities might be delivered can be found in Box 9.3. Individual countries will need to assess how they respond on each of these activities, but the information provides a useful checklist of actions that can be undertaken to improve the management and delivery of safe roads.
Activity 2 Promoting the needs of all road users as part of sustainable urban planning, transport demand management and land-use management by:
Activity 3 Promote safe operation, maintenance and improvement of existing road infrastructure by requiring road authorities to:
Activity 4 Promote the development of safe new infrastructure that meets the mobility and access needs of all users by encouraging relevant authorities to:
Activity 5 Encourage capacity building and knowledge transfer in safe infrastructure by:
Activity 6 Encourage research and development in safer roads and mobility by:
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Still at the global level, the UNRSC (2010) in their Safe Roads for Development document highlight some priority infrastructure policies, particularly in relation to LMICs. They suggest that priority crash types be targeted on high risk roads. Crash types include those involving vulnerable road users walking or cycling across or along the road; head-on crashes; side impacts at intersections; and run-off-road crashes. High risk roads refer to the small proportion of the world’s roads where the majority of fatal and serious injury crashes occur. They highlight that in the UK, just 10% of roads account for more than half of all road deaths, and around a third of all serious injuries. They also suggest that in Bangladesh, 3% of the arterial road network accounts for 40% of road deaths.
The priority actions for these roads and crash types include that:
Linked to this international policy context, a number of global guidelines have been produced to help address road safety. Produced by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), FIA Foundation and the World Bank, guidelines exist on various elements linked to road safety infrastructure. Of greatest interest to the audience of this manual are the guidelines on data systems (as discussed in Effective Management And Use Of Safety Data), and speed management and pedestrian safety. Other global guidelines exist on helmets, seatbelts, child restraints, and drinking and driving. All of the guidelines can be downloaded from the WHO website (
PIARC (2012) conducted an important review of national road safety policies and plans. This addressed policies for infrastructure improvements, and included the following key conclusions:
This current document is obviously the key guidance document produced by PIARC on road safety infrastructure. In addition, there are many other important documents relevant to road safety policy and guidance that can be accessed from the PIARC website. These cover design and development of road infrastructure, road safety audits, safety on construction zones, vulnerable road users, road operation, road safety in winter conditions, road tunnels and others. The documents include those listed in Box 9.4
Vulnerable road users: Diagnosis of design and operation safety problems and potential countermeasures (2017 – 2016R34EN)
Land use and safety: an introduction to understanding how land use decisions impact safety of the transportation system (2017 – 2016R32EN)
The role of road engineering in combatting driver distraction and fatigue road safety risks (2016 – 2016R24EN)
Human factors guidelines for a safer man-road interface (2016 – 2016R20EN)
Fixed fire fighting systems in road tunnels: Current Practices and recommendations (2016 – 2016R03EN)
Improving safety in road tunnels through real-time communication with users (2016 – 2016R06EN)
Road accident investigation guidelines for road engineers (2013 – 2013R07EN)
Comparison of national road safety policies and plans (2012 – 2012R31EN)
Road safety inspection guidelines for safety checks of existing roads (2012 – 2012R27EN)
Human factors in road design. Review of design standards in nine countries (2012 – 2012R36EN)
State of the practice for cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis and resource allocation (2012 – 2012R24EN)
Best practices for road safety campaigns (2012 – 2012R28EN)
Taking advantage of intelligent transport systems to improve road safety (2011 – 2011R03EN)
Road safety audit guidelines for safety checks of new road projects (2011 – 2011R01EN)
PIARC catalogue of design safety problems and potential countermeasures (2009 – 2009R07EN)
Tools for road tunnel safety management (2009 – 2009R08EN)
Human factors guidelines for safer road infrastructure (2008 – 2008R18EN)
Human factors and road tunnel safety regarding users (2008 – 2008R17EN)
As well as supporting the UNRSC in the development of the Global Plan, the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility has produced a number of policy and guidance documents, many aimed specifically for use in LMICs. Comprehensive resources to assist in the delivery of safe road infrastructure can be found on the Facility’s website (
Regional policy for the delivery of safe infrastructure can also be found, most notably in the EU Directive 2008/96/EC. Issued in November 2008, this directive covers the trans-European road network, although it is suggested that the provisions of the Directive can be applied to the national road network. Separate European guidance on the secondary road network can also be found (see e.g. Polidori et al., 2012).
Provisions of the Directive include that:
The Directive also highlights the need to adopt guidelines to support these activities, and provides content on appropriate training, exchange of best practice and continuous improvement. A recent review of the Directive (European Commission, 2014) indicated that more systematic processes had been put in place in EU countries to safely manage infrastructure as a result of the Directive.
Further details on the approaches highlighted above can be found in Assessing Potential Risks And Identifying Issues.
Regional approaches to road safety in LMICs have also been developed, often under the Development Bank, UN Regional Commission, or regional economic grouping leadership. As an example, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has developed a Sustainable Transport Initiative that directly addresses road safety through a Road Safety Action Plan for the region ( This discusses the mainstreaming of road safety within areas of ADB operations. An ADB Road Safety Group has been established, and one of the objectives of this group is to make available key reference documents, terms of reference, guidance, and tools for use by those in the region. The summary document ‘Improving Road Safety in Asia and the Pacific’ provides useful advice and reference material on road safety based on recent ADB experience (see
The case study in Key Developments in Road Safety describes the regional approach that was taken in the development of the African Road Safety Action Plan (2011–20). The development of this plan involved a wide range of stakeholders. At the country level, different approaches have been taken to the development of policy, and provision of relevant infrastructure standards and guidelines. This is often in response to different local context, including different legislation or safety issues. As identified elsewhere in this manual, there is typically no one correct approach to successfully managing road safety. However, there are often general principles that are universal.
In the United States, the Highway Safety Manual (AASHTO, 2010) provides detailed guidance on the roadway safety management process. The approach proposed is broadly aligned with that used in many countries, and it is no coincidence that the approach mirrors the structure of Planning, Design and Operation of this manual, particularly Assessing Potential Risks And Identifying Issues to Monitoring, Analysis and Evaluation of Road Safety. The process includes keys steps, from network screening (identifying and ranking sites) to safety effectiveness evaluation (monitoring effectiveness).
Pre-dating the Highway Safety Manual, AASHTO produced a series of guides to assist in the delivery of the Strategic Highway Safety Plan. This comprehensive suite of 20 guides provides direction on key strategic issues. Those relating to road infrastructure include guides on addressing collisions with trees in hazardous locations, head-on collisions, unsignalised and signalised intersections, run-off-road collisions, collisions on horizontal curves, utility poles, pedestrians and work zones. These documents can be downloaded from the Highway Safety Plan website (
Other countries have a similar set of guidelines to advise on effective road safety infrastructure management. For example, the Austroads Guide to Road Safety (currently in nine parts) provides guidance for Australia and New Zealand (see; the Dutch have the Road Safety Manual (CROW, 2009) and Advancing Sustainable Safety (Wegman & Aarts, 2006); and the UK has the Good Practice Guide (DTLR, 2001). These documents are accompanied by many other relevant standards and guidelines in each country. As an example, Certu, the Centre for the study of urban planning, transport and public facilities in Lyon, France has produced a number of guides and reference documents (some of which have been translated into English; see Also from France is the Transportation Safety in Urban Area: Methodological guide (Certu, 2008; available in French and English).
Although all of these documents are technically sound and serve as a useful basis for infrastructure safety management, as identified above, care should be taken when translating these guidelines to other countries. Different approaches, and particularly different solutions, may be more appropriate when the context (including traffic mix) is different.
As already identified in this section, different policies or guidance are sometimes issued for roads of different function. The EU Directive only refers to the trans-European road network, while additional information is available for lower order roads (see e.g. Polidori et al., 2012 for guidance on the secondary road network). Although the general principles that apply to each type of road are the same, often the detail can be different. Similarly, some countries issue guidance for local roads, recognising that the constraints can be different. Examples include The Good Practice Guide from the UK (DTLR, 2001); FHWA guidance in the United States on Developing Safety Plans: A Manual for Local Rural Road Owners (Ceifetz et al., 2012); and the Local Government and Community Road Safety guide (Austroads 2009; also see Austroads 2010a). McTiernan et al. (2010) also provide useful guidance on development of the Safe System approach for local government in Australia. However, usually only one guidance document exists covering road safety management of all roads, with those managing different parts of the network expected to adapt the information to their own circumstances.
Along with guidance documents targeted at safety-related topics (discussed in Examples of Infrastructure Policies, Standards and Guidelines in Policies, Standards and Guidelines and Intervention Selection And Prioritisation) many countries have comprehensive guidance on the design, construction, traffic management and maintenance of roads. These typically embed safety, although it is noticeable that many have not yet fully embedded Safe System principles. Guidelines are often slow to include innovative approaches to road design, as these may take a number of years to construct and evaluate; there may be infrequent updates of guidelines; and there may be reluctance to change established practice. An evidence-based approach is required, as well as a process to facilitate continual improvement and updates to guides.
It is not possible to include comprehensive advice in this document on issues relating to road design, traffic management and maintenance, but rather readers are directed to appropriate country-based guidelines for this detail. As for safety-related guidance, countries are encouraged to benchmark against good performers (i.e. those with low crash rates) when developing or updating their own guidance.
Road design and construction involves the geometric design, and structural design of the roadway. A key objective of geometric road design is to optimise operational safety and transport efficiency within constraints (including budgets, environmental concerns and other social outcomes). Design needs to take into account the traffic volume and type of traffic expected to use the road. The elements that are typically thought to impact on efficiency and safety include intersections, horizontal curves, vertical curves and gradients, cross-section (lane and shoulder width, medians and roadsides), and merge/diverge areas, and design guides typically cover these issues in detail. Information is available on the influence of different design elements and the impact this has on safety outcomes (e.g. AASHTO, 2010; Harwood et al. 2014; Austroads 2010b).
The following points provide a brief description of effective countermeasures and the safety benefits of different design elements based on the above references. For further information on intervention effectiveness see the Crash Modification Factor Clearinghouse and the Pract-repository. It is important to note, however, that although these treatments have a known effectiveness in reducing crash risk in HICs, it may be a different case for LMICs. For example, wider sealed shoulders may provide additional space for drivers to recover after a driving error, but in LMICs this area may be utilised by the community to set up a roadside stall.
Design criteria include:
The following references provide examples of road design guidelines from different countries:
Traffic management concerns the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. This includes provision for pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users. Again, many guidelines exist to assist in management of roads and traffic, and these typically relate closely to design principles, the capabilities of road users, and to vehicle characteristics. Guidelines typically cover aspects such as traffic theory, traffic studies and analysis, and the use of traffic control devices (signs, line markings) and other associated measures (traffic signal operation and street lighting). They may also cover issues such as speed management and traffic calming, public transport facilities, parking and management at roadworks.
Example guidelines include:
Typically design guidelines are prepared with an underlying assumption that they will be used where there are minimal constraints in delivering the project. These are sometimes referred to as ‘greenfields’ sites and the Normal Design Domain (NDD) design criteria should be used. However, it is far more common to make safety or other improvements at locations where constraints do exist, such as upgrades to existing roads, or ‘brownfields’ sites. Constraints can include things like an existing road alignment, utilities (including poles), drainage, access points, etc. In these situations, applying NDD values can make projects financially unviable. In addition, there may be cultural, heritage or environmental issues that limit application of NDD standards.
Many jurisdictions have developed procedures for dealing with departures from the NDD. When deviating from recommended design criteria, an exception report is required. This should be produced early in the design stage, and it should include clear and careful consideration of the safety impacts of any departure, as well as the impact on traffic operations. Mitigating strategies to minimise any adverse risk from the exception should also be provided.
Guidance on safety impacts resulting from departures in the NDD can be found in several countries, along with information on mitigation strategies. Useful examples include guidance by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (2012); the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (2013) and Stein and Nueman (2007).
One recent approach from the United States (but also applied in other locations using different names) is the concept of ‘performance-based practical design’ (PBPD), which has evolved from the ‘practical design’ approach (see Washington State Department of Transportation and Missouri Department of Transportation). This involves designing projects to stay within identified needs, and removing non-essential elements. This has the effect of lowering costs, and enabling improvements at a greater number of locations. The move to a ‘performance-based’ approach means that informed decisions will be made using analysis tools (for example, the Highway Safety Manual and FHWA - data driven safety analysis). Agencies using PBPD would have specific, long- and short-term, performance goals that may apply to a project, a whole corridor, or the overall system. Using available performance-analysis tools and qualitative assessments, projects would only include those features that serve those long- and short-term performance goals. Projects would not need to include features that provide performance exceeding the stated goals, fail to serve those performance goals, or are inconsistent with the purpose and need. This removes a concern relating to Practical Design that agencies may overemphasize short-term cost savings without a clear understanding of how such decisions would impact other objectives (such as safety and operational performance, context sensitivity, life-cycle costs, long-range corridor goals, liveability, and sustainability).
PBPD is a philosophy of balancing project purpose and need, design standards, life-cycle costs, operational and safety performance and sustainability. To gain the greatest benefit from PBPD, it is highly encouraged to take a system-wide perspective and incorporate PBPD concepts in all decisions related to planning, programming and project development. Starting at the planning and programing phase, a multi-disciplinary group can weigh the options and trade-offs to define performance goals and a focused project purpose and need that is used throughout the life of the project. The case study from the Czech Republic discusses self-explaining road performance.
A variety of tools and approaches are available to assist in the delivery of infrastructure safety management. As with guidelines, some tools have been prepared for use at the global, regional or country level. In some cases, the tools developed in one location or country can be adapted for use in another, but extreme care needs to be taken to ensure that the new context is considered when doing this. The types of tools available for road safety infrastructure management are mentioned in brief here, with further details provided in other relevant sections of this manual.
Schermers et al. (2011) provides a useful summary of tools used in Europe (most of which are discussed in this document. Elvik (2011) suggests a framework for applying tools that are related to the stages of a road’s life cycle. The US has also developed a comprehensive suite of tools for road safety infrastructure management. These are briefly discussed in the example in Box 9.5.
The Safety Analytical Tools developed in the United States include:
The Network Screening Tool identifies sites with potential for safety improvements through algorithms that identify areas of concern (e.g. higher than expected crash frequencies). In addition, high crash severities or a higher than expected rate of specific collision types can also be identified. These algorithms are effective for spot locations, as well as short and extended road segments.
The Diagnosis Tool identifies the nature of safety problems at specific sites. It is able to generate a range of data, including crash summary statistics, collision diagrams, collision pattern identification (including whether or not a collision type occurs at a higher than expected rate), and to conduct statistical tests for specific sites. Both engineering and human factors are integrated to identify safety concerns.
The Countermeasure Selection Tool helps in the selection of interventions to reduce crash frequency and severity at sites. This tool incorporates site-specific countermeasures that are recommended based on the site type, crash patterns, and specific safety concerns identified with the earlier Diagnosis Tool. Single or multiple countermeasures may be selected and appraised with the Economic Appraisal and Priority Ranking tools.
The Economic Appraisal Tool performs an appraisal of either specific countermeasures or different options at a site. Within this tool, a number of economic evaluations can be undertaken, including cost-effectiveness, benefit-cost ratio and net benefits. Safety-effectiveness is estimated via observed, expected and predicted crash frequency and crash severity, as well as crash patterns and expected crash reduction for specific countermeasures. Notably, the analysis results are consistent with requirements of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Programme guidelines.
The Priority Ranking Tool ranks sites and proposed improvements according to the benefit and cost analysis conducted by the Economic Appraisal tool. The site and improvement rankings are determined through comparison of cost-effectiveness, benefit-cost ratio, net benefits, safety benefits, construction cost, number of total crashes reduced, fatal and severe injury crash reduction, and fatal and all injury crash reduction. The Priority Ranking Tool assists in the optimisation of projects and maximisation of benefits across sites.
The Countermeasure Evaluation Tool allows pre- and post-evaluations of safety improvements using the Empirical Bayes (EB) approach. In addition, this tool has the capability to evaluate changes in the proportion of collision types. Analyses can also be performed to evaluate the efficacy of individual or combined countermeasures and construction projects. A benefit-cost analysis is also available to assess the economic benefits of countermeasures or construction projects.
Further details on these tools can be found at:
The tools in Box 9.5 follow the broad stages of infrastructure safety management identified in Introduction. Later chapters discuss each of the key tools. The tools referenced for different stages of road safety management include:
— Crash data: Establishing and Maintaining Crash Data Systems. discusses the establishment and use of crash data systems, and some of the useful tools that are desirable for such systems.
— Non-crash data: Non-Crash Data and Recording Systems. discusses non-crash data, including the need for systems to collect and analyse such information.
— crash-based identification (Crash-based Identification (‘Reactive Approaches’))
— road safety impact assessment (Road Safety Impact Assessment in Proactive Identification)
— road safety audit (Road Safety Audit in Proactive Identification)
— road safety inspection (Road Safety Inspection in Proactive Identification)
— road assessment programmes (Road Assessment for Safety Infrastructure in Proactive Identification).
A further example, this one from France can be seen in Box 9.6.
Since the early 2000s, France has developed and implemented a set of road safety approaches for infrastructure projects. This set of approaches is now outlined in the European Directive 2008/96 on road safety infrastructure management for French implementation projects.
A Road Safety Impact Assessment is carried out for all infrastructure projects at the initial planning stage before the infrastructure project is approved. It identifies the road safety considerations which contribute to the selection of the proposed solution and provides all relevant information necessary for a cost-benefit analysis of the different options assessed.
A Road Safety Audit of the design characteristics from a safety viewpoint is carried out for all infrastructure projects by a trained auditor or a team of auditors. Audits form an integral part of the design process of the infrastructure project and are carried out at different stages of the project: draft and detailed design, pre-opening and early operation. Where unsafe features are identified in the course of the audit, the design is rectified. When it is not rectified before the end of the appropriate stage, the reasons are stated by the authority in an annex of the report.
Source: Road Safety Audits (Sétra , 2012)
A Road Safety Inspection is carried out on the national road network for all existing roads in order to report on the details of the road, its surrounding area and the general environment that can influence the user’s behaviour or affect their passive safety and thus have repercussions on road safety. The concept is to provide a method that will help the operator to improve their network knowledge. Inspection visits are made by appropriately qualified personnel, to identify the main road safety issues, and to provide a fresh point of view on the system. The systematic inspection of a section of road thus consists of a quick and practical rating of the main configurations that may not be expected by the road user, considering all modes of transport.
Source: ISRI Initiative: road safety inspections of routes (Sétra, 2008).
Safety of users on existing roads: this approach, called SURE in France, is carried out on the national road network for all existing roads. It is a general method of which the main innovation is to explicitly and continuously provide a complete approach of road safety improvements, from the road safety issues study to the assessment stage via the implementation of treatments. The aim of this approach is to determine and implement adapted treatments for sections of road where the safety gain is potentially higher.
The SURE process is a practical application of the common road safety approach presented in Examples of Infrastructure Policies, Standards and Guidelines in Policies, Standarts and Guidelines
All of these tools can (and should) be used in parallel. Each is useful for different purposes, and for different stages of infrastructure safety management. Strengths and weaknesses are discussed in later chapters. Historically, the collection and analysis of crash data has been the most widely applied approach to managing safety. This is likely to continue to be an important approach, and is an important starting point for those in LMICs. Road safety audit and safety inspection are other widely applied tools, including in LMICs. One added advantage of these approaches is that they are a useful mechanism to improve safety culture.
One often over-looked issue is that the earlier within the safety management process, or project development process, the greater the potential to make a cost-effective improvement in safety outcomes. This is best demonstrated in the planning and development phase. In many countries road safety practitioners have historically relied upon road safety audit to determine safety issues in planning and development stages of design. In more recent times, tools to assist in embedding safety into design at the earliest stages have been developed. Importantly, some of these are aimed at practitioners who are not from a safety background in an attempt to include safety considerations into decision-making. These tools can be either quantitative in approach (such as tools that are based on crash prediction models) or qualitative. One of the most widely applied quantitative models is the US Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM). This includes several modules, some of which can be used at the project development stage (AASHTO, 2010). It should be noted that this tool is generally applied to existing roads in the US, as very few new roads are built. Further information on IHSDM can be found in United States' case study below and in Proactive Identification.
iRAP has also been used to quantify safety implications at the early design stage. The following four case studies explore the use of management tools in efforts to improve road safety for Malaysia, India, Moldova using iRAP.
The Strategic Tool for Assessment of Road Safety (STARS), developed in Australia, relies on checklists to help identify negative safety outcomes (Jurewicz, 2009). This approach provides a risk value to each of the checklist questions, and ultimately an overall safety rating for the planned project. Checklists are available for different stages of development, including regional or structure plans, master plans, sub-division or neighbourhood plans, arterial corridors, and new/commercial developments. Example road safety planning issues at the regional level include:
Further information on safety assessment prior to a road safety audit can be found in Road Safety Impact Assessment in Proactive Identification.
Road safety management tools need constant review as good practice and new approaches emerge. Elvik (2011) conducted such a review of European infrastructure safety management tools, and despite the many years of development and experience in using such tools, a number of opportunities for improvement were identified. Some of the key findings were that:
The following case study from Canada highlights the ability to evaluate bid proposals related to improving safety performance.
AASHTO (2010) Highway Safety Manual Volume 1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington D.C.
Austroads (2009) Guide to Road Safety Part 4: Local Government and Community Road Safety, Austroads, Sydney, Australia.
Austroads (2010a) Road safety on local government roads. Austroads, Sydney, Australia.
Austroads (2010b), Road safety engineering risk assessment: part 1: relationships between crash risk and the standards of geometric design elements. Austroads report AP-T146/10. Austroads, Sydney, Australia.
Beagle, A; Boyd, N; Donahue J; Milton J; van Schalkwyk I: (2015) Transforming Design Policy: A Path to Practical Design Reform., 5th International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design; Symposium Proceedings,
Ceifetz, A, Bagdade, J, Nabors, D, Sawyer, M & Eccles, K (2012), Developing Safety Plans: A Manual for Local Rural Road Owners, Federal Highway Administration, Washington D.C.
Certu, 2008, Transportation Safety in Urban Area: Methodological guide, Certu, Lyon, France.
Croft, P, Tziotis, M, Turner, B & Hughes, J, (2010) Research directions for guidelines in road safety engineering, Road Safety on Four Continents, Abu Dhabi.
CROW (2009) Road Safety Manual, CROW, EDE, The Netherlands
DTLR (2001) A road safety good practice guide for highway authorities, Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, London, UK.
Elvik, R, (2011) Assessment and applicability of evaluation tools: Current practice in a sample of European countries and steps towards a state-of-the-art approach, Deliverables Nr 4 and 5 of the European Road Infrastructure Safety Management Evaluation Tools (RISMET) project, Eranet Roads, Leidschendam, Netherlands.
European Commission (2014), Study on the effectiveness and on the improvement of the EU legislative framework on road infrastructure safety management (Directive 2008/96/EC), European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.
GRSF (2009), Implementing the Recommendations of the World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention. Country guidelines for the Conduct of Road Safety Management Capacity Reviews and the Specification of Lead Agency Reforms, Investment Strategies and Safe System Projects, Global Road Safety Facility World Bank, Washington DC.
Harwood, D, Hutton, J, Fees, C, Bauer, K, Glen, A, & Ouren, H, 2014, Evaluation of the 13 Controlling Criteria for Geometric Design, NCHRP Report 783, Washington DC.
Jurewicz, C, (2009) STARS: a risk-based road safety tool for urban planners, Australasian Road Safety Research Policing Education Conference, Sydney, Australia.
McTiernan, D Turner, B Wernham, R & Gregory, R (2010) Local government and the Safe System approach to road safety. ARRB Group Ltd, Vermont South, Australia.
New Jersey Department of Transportation, (2012) Design exception manual, The State of New Jersey Department of Transportation, Trenton, New Jersey, available from, accessed 25 February, 2014.
NZ Ministry of Transport, (2013) Safer journeys: action plan 2013-2015, New Zealand. Ministry of Transport, Wellington, New Zealand.
OECD, (2008) Towards Zero: Achieving Ambitious Road Safety Targets Through a Safe System Approach, OECD, Paris.
PIARC (2012), Comparison of National Road Safety Policies and Plans, PIARC Technical Committee C.2 Safer Road Operations, Report 2012R31EN, The World Road Association, Paris.
Polidori, C, Cocu, X, Volckaert, A, Teichner, T, Lemke, K & Saleh, P (2012) Safety prevention manual for secondary roads’ European Commission. Available at
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, (2013) Guidelines for Road Design on Brownfield Sites, State of Queensland (Department of Transport and Main Roads), Brisbane, Australia. Available from, accessed 25 February, 2014.
Rogers, L, Smith, G, Devika, K, Kumar, H & Prakash, G, (2012) Star rating road designs performance indicators for roads in India, 25th ARRB Conference, Perth, Australia.
Sabey, B (1980) Road safety and value for money. Supplementary Report, NO: 581 Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), Crowthorne, United Kingdom.
Schermers, G, Cardoso, J, Elvik, R, Weller, G, Dietze, M, Reurings, M, Azeredo, S, and Charman, S, (2011) Recommendations for the development and application of Evaluation Tools for road infrastructure safety management in the EU, Deliverables Nr 7 of the European Road Infrastructure Safety Management Evaluation Tools (RISMET) project, Eranet Roads, Leidschendam, Netherlands.
Stein, W and Neuman, T (2007) Mitigation Strategies for Design Exceptions, Report FHWA-SA-07-011, Federal Highways Administration, Washington D.C.
Stigson, H Krafft, M & Tingvall, C (2008) Use of Fatal Real-Life Crashes to Analyze a Safe Road Transport System Model, Including the Road User, the Vehicle, and the Road. Traffic Injury Prevention,9:5,463 – 471.
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